Youngest territory of Charente-Maritime, Aunis Atlantique is made up of 20 municipalities, located between La Rochelle, Rochefort and Niort

The Community of Communes Aunis Atlantique brings together 20 communes between La Rochelle and Niort and represents an area of ​​440,5 km²: Andilly-les-Marais, Angliers, Benon, Charron, Courçon d'Aunis, Cram-Chaban, Ferrières, La Grève sur Mignon, La Laigne, La Ronde, Le Gué d'Alleré, Longèves, Marans, Nuaillé d'Aunis, Saint Cyr du Doret, Saint Jean de Liversay, Saint Ouen d'Aunis, Saint Sauveur d'Aunis, Taugon and Villedoux.

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