Every month, receive the Briefs from the Comptoir de l'Aunis Marais Poitevin. Local information, sent by email to the inhabitants, to know everything about the territory's news, new initiatives and upcoming events! Register quickly!
Why receive the Brèves du Comptoir?
To stay informed about what's new in the area! New restaurant, new site to visit, new activity… Nothing will escape you from the local news.
To keep a link between inhabitants of the same territory. Every month, we will offer you a portrait of an inhabitant. If you don't know your neighbor yet, be patient, it will come!
To find out all about the events of the coming weeks. Are you a fan of outings, events, visits of all kinds, workshops or events? We will give you each month a calendar of events for the coming month.

Les Brèves du Comptoir, local news for locals, every month, in your mailbox, completely free. All you have to do is register!