Gourmands, gourmands, we have the perfect recipe for 100% Charentais snacks! We prefer to warn you right away, better not count the calories! 😉 

We give you the list of everything you need before starting.

Ingredients side

125 g of butter – AOP de Surgères please!
200 g of flour – that of the Minoterie de Courçon is local
200 g powdered sugar
2 organic or free-range eggs
½ sachet of yeast
1 pinch of salt
1 tablespoon brandy

For the gilding:
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon of milk

Material side

2 salad bowls
1 electric whip (or otherwise very muscular arms)
1 spatula
1 whip
1 brush
1 fork
1 sieve
1 tart pan


What to do

1/ Take out your butter 1 hour before starting the recipe, so that it becomes "pomade". Then cut it into small pieces and melt it very lightly in the microwave (there should be a few very tender large pieces).

2/ Separate the egg yolks from the whites.

3/ In a bowl, mix the sugar, the two egg yolks and the pinch of salt using a whisk until the mixture is frothy.

4/ Add the butter and continue to whisk. Gradually pour in the sifted flour, the baking powder and then the Cognac.

5/ Whip your egg whites and gently add them to the batter using a spatula.

6/ Let your dough rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour, it will be easier to spread.

7/ Spread the dough in a pie pan using a rubber spatula. It should stick a little, don't worry it's normal. You will need to arm yourself with a little patience, but after that, the pancake display will have no more secrets for you!

8/ You realize that you forgot to preheat your oven (just kidding, we hadn't told you yet), which you can set to 180°C.

9/ Whisk the egg yolk with the milk and using a brush, brush the surface so that it is golden brown.

10/ Using a fork, draw crosses on the galette. For more fantasy, leave room for your creativity!

11/ Bake for 30 minutes. approximately, so that it keeps its softness while cooling.

Do not hesitate to share with us the photos of your achievements, we will repost them on our Instagram account!

Local Meals
Written on 13/07/2021
Marie, pastry chef with a taste for horizons