Créée en 1722, l’École de médecine navale de Rochefort est la première au monde. Elle forme, pendant plus de 240 ans, les chirurgiens embarqués à bord des navires de guerre. Découvrez ce site insolite et unique en France grâce à nos visites guidées !

Créée en 1722, l’École de médecine navale de Rochefort est la première au monde. Elle forme, pendant plus de 240 ans, les chirurgiens embarqués à bord des navires de guerre. Ces derniers participent notamment aux voyages d’exploration scientifiques, motivés par leur volonté de comprendre le monde dans sa diversité.
Aujourd’hui ce site vous ouvre les portes de ses salles d’enseignement, de sa bibliothèque scientifique riche de 25 000 volumes et de son musée. Les collections anatomiques, zoologiques, botaniques et ouvrages exceptionnels vous feront entrer dans l’histoire de la médecine navale et dans l’univers scientifique des 18e et 19e siècles.

Expérience sensible unique à ne pas manquer !

L'École de médecine navale se visite uniquement en visite guidée. La réservation est fortement conseillée.

During the site's opening hours, you can visit the Espace-repères located on the ground floor and the Jardin d'Utopies outside for free.
- Illustrated time line, the Landmark Space puts the founding and development of the Naval Medicine School into perspective with the major dates in history. Four centuries of scientific advances are thus presented, from the creation of the Rochefort arsenal in the 17th century to the training of the last students in the 1960s.
- The Garden of Utopias presents a multitude of medicinal, aromatic and dye plants which echo the voyages of exploration thanks to which some were brought back to Rochefort. It is also a haven of peace where it is good to rest.

Continue your discovery of the maritime history of Rochefort with a visit to our second museum, the Hôtel de Cheusses/Arsenal!

  • Groups

    of 15 25 people to

    Average length of visit : 45

    Average visit duration for groups : 1h

  • Prices

    Full price: from €8
    Reduced price: €6 (- 26 years old outside the EU, privilege card.)
    Adult: from 8 €
    Large family: 6 €
    Group adults: € 9.
    Free for under 26s, the press, job seekers, teachers, students, disabled people and their companions.
    Group rate from 15 people.
    If you visited the Hôtel de Cheusses/Arsenal with a full-price individual ticket, you benefit from the reduced rate at the Former Naval Medical School.

    Method(s) of payment accepted

    Cheque Culture Check Cash Bank / credit card Online payment Vacation check Contactless payment


    From 13/04 to 05/07/2024
    Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 13:30 p.m. to 18 p.m.
    Fermetures exceptionnelles les 20/04, 21/04 et 1er mai.
    From 06/07 to 01/09/2024
    Open every day from 10 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. and from 13:30 p.m. to 18 p.m.
    From 02/09 to 30/09/2024
    Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 13:30 p.m. to 18 p.m.
    From 02/10/2024 to 05/01/2025, every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 13:30 p.m. to 18 p.m.
    Exceptional closings on January 1 and December 25.

    Pet Friendly


    Spoken languages
