Bénédicte has tested outdoor evening yoga for you, offered by Clémence in Marans! Back to an invigorating experience.
“Yoga, this practice of a set of postures and breathing exercises aims to bring physical and mental well-being. Exactly what I was looking for ! So on to this discovery. I had tested this practice….10 years ago and found it pleasant because…. I fell asleep after 1/4 hour!! This time, I motivate myself to be focused and above all to answer a question that bothers me: How to really let go, to feel light, positive, brave and happy?
Under the trees, with a light maritime wind, carpet installed, I am ready to let myself be guided by the soft voice of Clémence (motivation along the way in the car!)
And here is the information that follows one another, to the rhythm of a controlled then natural breathing positioning me quietly and gently.
And I listen, I do, I feel, I hesitate, and I succeed. My mind becomes light, I link the movements with ease. I feel a certain well-being, a slight warmth that brings my mind to a calm, serene, quiet universe. Everything to “disconnect”, where time has its place, where everything seems easy, accessible, without fear.
Is this happiness? Letting go? To do with ease, enthusiasm without looking for the why or the how?

Thanks to Clémence for the sweetness of her lessons, her smile and the vitality she transmits to us. The nights are milder.
So I found it!
And it follows like a choreography, standing, sitting, arms outstretched, … I am surprised to succeed in doing this to the rhythm of natural breathing, under these trees whose branches seem protective to me. Time passes and the hour is already coming to an end. Lying on my back, arms horizontal, straight legs slightly apart, like a starfish, I'm between two waters: ready to go into the arms of Morpheus!!!
Today, I don't remember the postures. Just a few words that accompanied me: freedom – essential – active.
I really catch on with Clémence's soft voice and her way of leading us towards a posture.
I feel no pressure, no judgement, no competition: everyone comes as they are and leaves lighter.”